By Pacific Island Times News Staff
Bella Wings Aviation receives Guam Product Seal for locally made drones

Bella Wings Aviation has received the distinguished Guam Product Seal for its locally manufactured drones, Guam's first tech product.
Established in 1986, the Guam Product Seal program seeks to stimulate economic opportunities on island by promoting the manufacturing of local products.
Bella Wings unveiled its flight facilities at Tumon Sands Plaza on Aug, 31.
BWA has been working to established a drone development program that includes the light manufacturing of drones to be used for STEM education, First Person View flying and racing, videography, and-most importantly-customized for the needs of first responders.
"The lab will be dedicated to the advancement of the drone industry, both for research and development," Charlie Hermosa, president and co-founder of Bella Wings Aviation, said during the lab opening.
Gov.Lou Leon Gurrero was joined by GovGuam officials during the awarding of the Guam Product Seal certificate to Bella Wings on Nov.3.